Dave Bloustien

a photo of dave
a vector illustration of dave

is not a web
designer, but …

Okay, so I did design this one, and it's fiiine. That said, this site is more about what I can do for you.

Feel free to wander about and check out my portfolio. It's probably out of date, so it may be easier just to hit the contact page instead.

Either way, thanks for hanging out. It's nice to see you.

a photo of a typewriter

is a
writer and …

I've worked on AWGIE-winning TV comedy shows, and quiz and light entertainment shows, solo-stand-up shows, animation, an award-winning advertising campaign, interactive or immersive experiences and sketch comedy.

I've also written flash fiction, role playing games, corporate social posts, a tonne of training programs, feature films, VR360 short films, a nationally long-listed sitcom pilot and a PhD on Jewish punk (true).

My first loves are comedy, horror, animation, satire and science fiction, but I'll try my hand at any project you have (I also have a few of my own, if you'd like to hear about them).

is a
designer and …

a photo of a cartoon robot

Just not for websites.

I love making stuff, and I've been lucky enough that people have paid me make things for them.

These days, my day job actually involves developing animations and interactive learning experiences, both as a writer and with an eye to production / UX.

I've also produced or worked on the team for some weird and exciting experiences, like the Museum of Words, Story Club on a Boat, and an 'aggressive customer simulator' for a major financial institution.

likes to explain stuff and …

a photo of dave as a bust statue

If you need something complicated taught in an engaging and interactive manner, that's my jam.

I've taught literature, media, game design and screenwriting at some of the top institutions in Australia.

I've also written interactive training courses, animations and explainers in topics as diverse as corruption, cyber security, accessibility and surf life saving.

Dave's portfolio
Dave's CV
contact Dave

is keen to work with you.

My day job is to build interactive educational experiences, animations and social content at Savv‑e, but I'm always open to working on new creative projects.

Hit me up via the contact tab if you want a CV or a freelancing rates.

would like to show you his stuff.

Click on the links below for a taster. It's by no means exhaustive, partly because so much of my current work is 'commercial in confidence', which means I can't easily put it on my site.

Contact me for more information.

Current Projects Interactive Screenwriting Prose

is working on something.

Outside of my day job and my freelance work as a gun for hire, I have a few personal projects that are in different stages of development.

Click on the images or one-pagers or pitch documents.

I have many, many other projects in various states of completion. Drop me a line to learn more about them.

Avance Austraya ➠ pitch doc

A black comedy about white supremacists.

Originally written as a feature, then adapted into 7 x 30 minute comedy series. Long-listed for the AWG Laugh Out Loud competition.

Pilot and feature scripts available. Please contact me.

Soul Destroyer ➠ one pager

Chat-based game that builds on the Aggressive Customer Simulator from Savv‑e.

Collaborative project with digital designer Paul Cotton.


I have a bundle of projects in my top drawer. Let me know if you'd like to know more.


writes for the screen.

Most of the following writing samples come from produced TV shows or were written for production companies as a freelancer. In most cases, I retain the IP.

Don't Wake The Baby

A segment from my live show, Grand Guignol, translated into a horror short for a pilot from Ruby Entertainment. As far as I know, this wasn't picked up, but I intend to make it as a short film.

360 Corporate Video

This was written as a freelancer for The Production Group as a corporate video. The client's name has been changed in this version of the script.

Sketch portfolio

A collection of sketches written on spec for Australian TV shows.


An unaired sketch written for Sammy J, Cal Wilson and Mikey Robins on Ten's Good News World.

Tomorrow's Headlines

Some of my favourite no-longer-topical from when I was a gag writer on ABCTV's The Glass House.


games the system.

I love games, and I'm lucky to have a day job where I can occasionally spread that love to sectors that wouldn't normally consider it.

Unfortunately most of the projects I've worked on are commerical in confidence and I can't share them, or have all but disappeared from the internet. I've included what links I can find below.

Hot Sand!

A twine game for the first Savv-e game jam. Theme was 'Summer'. It's very short and very silly.

Aggressive Customer Simulator ➠ blog post

This was designed to teach conflict de-escalation by fostering active listening in learners, as well as encouraging them to read verbal and non-verbal cues.

I was the project lead and learning designer for this project, as well as helping craft the original pitch. I couldn't include the simulator, but the link goes to a blog post I wrote for the company's LinkedIn page about the development process.

Other projects I've been involved in include:

Grand Guignol ➠ review

Of all my solo-stand-up shows, my favourite was Grand Guignol - a series of five short horror stories performed in character, and bookended with another story told simultaneously through hand and shadow puppetry.

It wasn't strictly interactive, but it played with audience expectations in interesting ways and broke the fourth wall so as to build up tension, rather than diffuse it.

Click the link above for a nice review from Crikey.

Sydney Museum of Words ➠ news article

One of several projects I worked on for Charles Firth at the flawed (and now defunct) Newslab and Manic Times.

Other pranks and scams included:

Battle for the Bronchs ➠

Award-winning interactive webcomic and companion games designed for GlaxoSmithKline with Neil Heymann for Tequila\TBWA.

My first forray into advertising and gamification when I was just starting out. Originally recruited by Heymann as a freelancer, I crafted the original pitch with Heymann, wrote the video scripts and performed as 'Thug #2' (that's me in the red string singlet and leather jacket).


writes very short stories.

I started writing short horror stories about a decade ago, as part of a live show called 'Grand Guignol'.

I've branched out since then, but keep them all on a separate Wordpress site. I've linked a few of my favourites down below.

Click the titles to go through to the wordpress blog.

credential Storybook Cottage ➠

I’m from Adelaide. Storybook Cottage is a real place and I’ve been there, many times. That’s all I’m willing to divulge

The Juice and the Flesh ➠

A NYC Midnight short story jam. This was so far out of my wheelhouse and I loved writing it. Required elements were: romance / fruit shop / nail clippers.

What Would Scooby Doo? ➠

One of my favourite stories to perform. Written for Fan Fiction Comedy at the 2013 NZ International Comedy Festival.

A Whitetail In The Great Room ➠

My first attempt at writing flash fiction on demand for the NYC Midnight flash fiction competition. Required elements were: suspense, farmhouse, a corkscrew.

Single Origin ➠

Originally written for the horror blog, this story became the keystone of the Grand Guignol show. I rewrote it as a personal anecdote, performed it as myself and people would audibly gasp at the twist. Felt pretty nice.


writes very short stories.

These projects are in various stages of development. Some have producers, some are just flights of fancy. If you're interested in one, or something similar, please let me know.


would love
to chat.

If you've got a project that you think I might fit, or are interested in collaborating on something in the future, send me an email and maybe we can grab a coffee.

But please keep in mind that my current role at UNSW prevents me from pursuing other paid work.

Note: Due to a LOT of bot-spam from my site, I've deactivated the contact form.

If you'd like to get in touch with me, just send me an email via 'contact' at my domain name.

will get right back to you.

Thanks so much for getting in touch. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

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Dave Bloustien